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【受注生産】301 : data lake sandal _#black


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*【Made upon order】 This product will take about 30 -45 days to be delivered.(このプロダクトは受注生産です。お届けまでに 30 - 45 日程度かかります。予め御了承下さい)

* tax incl.(税込価格)
* Overseas shipping has not been available yet (to be announced).

- item data.

・ code _ wdb 1933 301
・ name _ data lake sandal // itten
・ function _ water-resistant
・ weight _ approx. 275 (g)
・ shell _ steer leather
・ lining _ pig leather
・ sole _ vibram (from italy)
・ made in japan

- description.

The sandals were developed with the aim of making people comfortable not only by the water, but also in urban life, as the modern world is considered a "lake" overflowing with information and data.

現代を情報・データが溢れる “ lake (湖) ” と捉え、水辺は勿論その都市生活の中でも快適に過ごすことを目的に開発したサンダル。

- spec.


The shell is specially processed with water resistant technology ” Rain cancel ” and the lining is designed using pig leather for its natural breathability. Rain cancel will not reduce performance even on bad weather days. The coating will gradually fade and the texture will change over time and use, approaching a more leather-like feel.

表革は特殊耐水加工 ” rain cancel ” を施したマットな質感のステアレザー、裏革には通気性を有するピッグレザーを使用。悪天候でもパフォーマンスを低下させません。コーティングは徐々に薄らいでいきますが、リアルレザーの風合いに近づいていき経年変化を楽しめます。


We adopt vibram soles. Cubes placed on the bottom provide excellent stability. Demonstrates a high grip on wet ground and rough terrain.

vibram ソールを採用。底面に配置されたキューブが抜群の安定性を実現。濡れた地面や悪路において高いグリップ力を発揮します。

〉〉〉water-proof yarn

Sewn with Super Water-proof Yarn that meets US AATCC rain test standards. It is 10 times more effective than conventional water-proof yarns and completely protects against water ingress through stitching.

アメリカのAATCCレインテスト基準を満たすSuper Water-proof Yarn(超撥水糸)にて縫製。従来の撥水糸の更に10倍以上の効果を有し、ステッチからの浸水を完全にプロテクトします。

- attention.

This product is made from natural leather. Please note that it may have scratches or individual differences in color which are the original characteristics of material.


- repair & maintenance


ご購入後のサイズ変更も承っております。【Act on Specified Commercial Transactions】ページをご参照ください。

*Tax included.

*Limit of 2 per order.

*Shipping fee is not included.More information

Shipping method / fee

The shipping fees and delivery method/s for this product are as follows.

  • Yamato Transport

    Your delivery status can be checked online.

    Shipping fees vary by region.

    • Hokkaido


    • Tohoku
      Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita,
      Yamagata, Fukushima


    • Kanto
      Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gumma, Saitama,
      Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yamanashi


    • Shinetsu
      Niigata, Nagano


    • Hokuriku
      Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui


    • Tokai
      Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie


    • Kinki
      Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo,
      Nara, Wakayama


    • Chugoku
      Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi


    • Shikoku
      Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi


    • Kyushu
      Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto,
      Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima


    • Okinawa


The shipping fees and delivery method/s for this product are as follows.

  • EMS

    This shipping supports package tracking and compensation for damages.

    Shipping fees vary by region.

    • Asia














      Hong Kong














      Marshall Islands


      Micronesia, Federated States Of








      North Korea


      Northern Mariana Islands










      South Korea


      Sri Lanka






      Timor Leste




    • Oceania
      Uniform rate for area


    • North / Central America
      Uniform rate for area


    • Middle East
      Uniform rate for area


    • Europe
      Uniform rate for area


    • South America
      Uniform rate for area


    • Africa
      Uniform rate for area


    • Other areas
      Uniform rate for area


*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.

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